Sunday, February 23, 2020

Fred here. Well I'm leaving Amsterdam and headed to Moscow, Russia. I have to meet with Vladimir Putin to go over some new business deals. After that I'm headed back to the good old USA for awhile. I've got something big going on. I will post pictures when this deal is done. For now, I hope I make it back. Moscow should be different. When I get back to LA, I will post saying I'm still alive.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Fred here. Well I left Valencia, Spain and I'm now in Amsterdam, Netherlands. It's freezing here. 9 degrees C. 48 degrees F. It seems cold to me since I came from nice sunny Spain. Anyway the link below is really interesting because when your over in Europe of anywhere overseas, you will find 240V 50H voltage. The beauty about this is, lower amperage and better efficiency. This has been known for century's. This link will explain why the US is the only place in the world that uses 120V. Interesting Engineering is a great website also. Big news is coming up. Will let all my millions of followers know soon.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Fred here. Went to the Bioparc yesterday. It's Valencia's version of a zoo. It was really different from the Zoo's I have seen in the USA. You could get really close to the animals. The Lemurs were great. You could get really close to them. The one thing I really noticed was how Lethargic all the animals seemed. It's probably because they have no natural predator's so they don't have anything to worry about. I thought it was weird. Also you could tell how peaceful the animals felt around humans. I think because the people of Valencia are so peaceful so are the animals. Just a thought. Here are some photos I took

Friday, February 07, 2020

Fred here. Well I got myself out of San Francisco and I'm back in Valencia, Spain. I have figured a way to go all the way around the world. I'm going to Istanbul, Turkey then to Dubai then to Bangkok and then back to the US. I don't know if I will make it out of Turkey because there is so much crazy stuff going on at this time. It's really cheap there now because nobody wants to go there because of Syria. I was in Turkey before. I went there with a friend of mine and we opened up a business. It was way out in the country. It was pretty neat. We were thinking about doing business in Erbil which is in the Kurdish region. Lots of money there. That was a long story. It's very tricky doing business in another country with people you don't really know. Anyway I survived that one. I will keep all many fans out there updated on Fred's World Tour. This is what I'm calling it now. Well Fred out for now. Just remember look for Fred's World Tour coming to your town soon!

Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Fred here. Well I think I'm going to come clean and explain where I really live. Yes that's me in one of the tents in downtown San Francoso. I have been grabbing  pictures off  the web and pretending I'm traveling all over the place. It gives me something to do during the day. I have an old broken down phone that barely gets these posts out. The reason I have been doing this is make myself feel better. I don't do drugs so I have to do something to make myself feel better. Thanks for understanding. Fred out. You will also see a link to another way I keep myself entertained during the day.


Monday, February 03, 2020

Fred here. Well I had my first meeting with real Italian Mobsters. It was a trip. They took me out on their insane Yacht. It must have been 100 ft long. I was kind of scared at first. Didn't know if they would throw me off the boat if I pissed them off. But everything went great. Had a great time, did my business with them. Can't get into it too much. I can say I have several new revenue sources coming in. I'm really starting to make big bank. Need to start buying some new businesses. If you have any opportunities let me know and throw down some money.

This is one of my mansions overseas. Can't tell you exactly where it's at, but it's big.

Sunday, February 02, 2020

Saturday, February 01, 2020

 Fred here. I'm here in Palermo, Italy. This is in old town Palermo. What a trip. The open market place is crazy. I have never seen a place like this before. Looks really poor. All the Italians yelling in a good way, Trying to sell all their stuff. I had my entourage with me since I'm such a high profile figure in these parts. They loved seeing me. I will walk with the common people at times. Gave away a bunch of money. I'm getting tons of faviors done for me. Won't go into that but I'm having fun. The very bottom picture is my security team that escorts me through the city. There waiting for my limo to arrive.