Wednesday, January 08, 2020
Fred Here. Well I guess I should bring everyone up to date on actually what I have been doing. Well for one, I now have multi-million dollar business all over the world. That's why I'm traveling all over the place. I personally make sure they are all running the way I want them to. On being in Dubai, I flew my family over first class and put them up in one of the finest hotels possible. I introduced them to the Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum. We are good friends and do a lot of business together. If your ever in Dubai try looking me up and if I'm there I will introduce you to him. Be prepared though, he loves to party big time. Well this is enough for now. Will add more latter. Fred Out.
Fred here. Just updated my Blogger. I wish WordPress was as easy as this is. Went through my old posts. What changes that has happened. Well I hope I'm back on track again. I hope I get my humor back again like I had in 2004. I have really been thinking about major traveling. Maybe heading up to Switzerland for the summer. I have plenty of money now. Good old Dad has been giving away a lot of his money he's been saving all his life. I need to get a traveling partner so won't get so lonely at times. We might be going to war. Trump killed Iran's general Soleimani