Friday, November 24, 2006

Fred here. Haven't posted lately. I've been building casinos in Spain. Getting ready to go over to Iraq. Just waiting to get get my background check done. Then it's four months on 10 day's off paid. Four months on again for a year. I'm going as a contractor. This should be fun. You might see me in the news if I get kidnapped! My name is Fred Minick so if you see that name in the near future you heard it first on this blogger. Was up in Juneau, Alaska up until about a month ago. Saw a lot of wildlife. Unbelievable. About every species of animals in the world up their. Lots of bears, eagles, salmon, moose, otters, whales, seals, sealions. Have to go for now, but I will definitely blog from Iraq if I get there!!!!