Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hello from Fred. Well it looks like it's going to take a few more million than I thought to get one of my businesses off the ground. shouldn't be a problem though. I will funnel it  though another channel and float the money until cash flow comes in. No big deal. I should be leaving Joyce on the 1st of June. Then off to Turkey and maybe down to Iraq to Erbil. I will start posting some more pictures. Fred Out.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Fred Here. Well another day in beautiful Afghanistan. I'm way up in Joyce now. Hope to be out of here in about a week. Going over to Turkey with a friend of mine. Actually Adana. It's about 4 hours from Istanbul. Should be a lot  of fun. Then back to Afghanistan until September. Then I will go back to the States to check on my new business. If all works out I will be spending some time back in the good old USA. Hopefully not to long enough to get this business going to sell it for 20 million so I can retire. Ok Fred out for now.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

This is where I keep one of my Yacht in Valencia, Spain. Can you tell which one it is? Well it's the biggest one on the right of course! Did you think anything different? I have vessels all over the world. Next time I'll show you the one in Greece.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Just had a business meeting with a very powerful connected person from Las Vegas. It sounds very promising that we could be turning multi-million dollar profits within one year. Yes maybe I'll finally complete my collection of exotic cars, women, houses and planes.
Fred Here. A lot going on. Have a business meeting set up this evening with Jim Sebastiani. I might open a wholesale house supplying high end product to the Casino's in Las Vegas. I also have a business venture going importing and exporting exotic goods from around the world. I'm going over to Turkey to set up some more businesses selling to the Military. I'm going to very busy. I will keep everyone posted on what's going on. Fred Out.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hello again. Had a little trouble with my other Blog. At least this one worked. I have to go now. A lot of business plans to develop.  Will post tomorrow. Later. Still listening to Phil Hendrie.

I'm Back

Fred here. It's been a long time. I've been away on very secret missions. I can't believe it's been this long. What the Hell have I been doing. Well one thing I'm now over in Afghanistan. I'm doing a lot of CIA work. Can't get into it because too sensitive. I can give you a clue though. Remember the most wanted terrorist that we just got rid of in Pakistan? Well guess what? I'll leave it at that. It's great I can Blog again. I'll be doing a lot more. So stay tuned for more of Fred's adventures. It should be getting interesting. I'm going over to Turkey to start a business. I will be working directly for the Military supplying them materials for projects. Also all the labor. This is very big money. I will keep you updated. Later. I hope this will post. It's 2039 22-May-2012